Solingen - Germania




- Nella prima metà degli anni 60 la PUMA ha iniziato ad utilizzare delle scatole di cartone dorato con il top in plastica verde.
- Nel 1971 la scatola di cartone è stata sostituita da una in plastica gialla, sempre con il top in plastica verde.
- Verso la fine del 1980, inizio 1990 e fino al 1996 sono comparse le scatole di cartone verde (
durante questi anni, nel 1993 e 1994 alcuni coltelli sono stati confezionati ancora con le scatole di plastica giallo/verde).
- Dal 1994 le scatole di plastica non sono più fornite di serie.
- Dal 1996 ad oggi i coltelli PUMA sono forniti con scatola di cartone nero.

- Alcuni dei vecchi coltelli e di quelli nuovi non stati venduti in scatole ma in sacchetti di plastica, come per per i coltelli mod. Scout.

- I coltelli PUMA sono stati importati per la prima volta negli U.S.A. nel 1957 da
Kurt Gutmann, fondatore della Gutmann Cutlery Inc.

La PUMA ha iniziato a marcare la propria produzione negli ultimi mesi del 1964 con un numero che solitamente è stampato nella guardia.
Questo numero permette di risalire  alla data di produzione.  
Con la tabella seguente è possibile convertire il numero con una data precisa.

- I coltelli della serie “Scout” anche se prodotti dopo il 1964 non sono stati marcati.

If Your number is 40604 Your knife was made in the last quarter of year 1964
If Your number is 11605 Your knife was made in the 1st quarter of year 1965
If Your number is 82605 Your knife was made in the 2nd quarter of year 1965
If Your number is 83605 Your knife was made in the 3rd quarter of year 1965
If Your number is 94605 Your knife was made in the 4th quarter of year 1965
If Your number is 21606 Your knife was made in the 1st quarter of year 1966
If Your number is 42606 Your knife was made in the 2nd quarter of year 1966
If Your number is 53606 Your knife was made in the 3rd quarter of year 1966
If Your number is 74606 Your knife was made in the 4th quarter of year 1966
If Your number is 21607 Your knife was made in the 1st quarter of year 1967
If Your number is 42607 Your knife was made in the 2nd quarter of year 1967
If Your number is 63607 Your knife was made in the 3rd quarter of year 1967
If Your number is 84607 Your knife was made in the 4th quarter of year 1967
If Your number is 86581 Your knife was made in the 1st quarter of year 1968
If Your number is 76582 Your knife was made in the 2nd quarter of year 1968
If Your number is 96083 Your knife was made in the 3rd quarter of year 1968
If Your number is 56984 Your knife was made in the 4th quarter of year 1968
If Your number is 96011 Your knife was made in the 1st quarter of year 1969
If Your number is 96922 Your knife was made in the 2nd quarter of year 1969
If Your number is 96583 Your knife was made in the 3rd quarter of year 1969
If Your number is 96744 Your knife was made in the 4th quarter of year 1969
If Your number is 11071 Your knife was made in the 1st quarter of year 1970
If Your number is 22072 Your knife was made in the 2nd quarter of year 1970
If Your number is 33073 Your knife was made in the 3rd quarter of year 1970
If Your number is 44074 Your knife was made in the 4th quarter of year 1970
If Your number is 63171 Your knife was made in the 1st quarter of year 1971
If Your number is 27172 Your knife was made in the 2nd quarter of year 1971
If Your number is 81173 Your knife was made in the 3rd quarter of year 1971
If Your number is 90174 Your knife was made in the 4th quarter of year 1971
If Your number is 20271 Your knife was made in the 1st quarter of year 1972
If Your number is 41272 Your knife was made in the 2nd quarter of year 1972
If Your number is 62273 Your knife was made in the 3rd quarter of year 1972
If Your number is 83274 Your knife was made in the 4th quarter of year 1972
If Your number is 41371 Your knife was made in the 1st quarter of year 1973
If Your number is 52372 Your knife was made in the 2nd quarter of year 1973
If Your number is 73373 Your knife was made in the 3rd quarter of year 1973
If Your number is 94374 Your knife was made in the 4th quarter of year 1973
If Your number is 45471 Your knife was made in the 1st quarter of year 1974
If Your number is 56472 Your knife was made in the 2nd quarter of year 1974
If Your number is 77473 Your knife was made in the 3rd quarter of year 1974
If Your number is 98474 Your knife was made in the 4th quarter of year 1974
If Your number is 49571 Your knife was made in the 1st quarter of year 1975
If Your number is 51572 Your knife was made in the 2nd quarter of year 1975
If Your number is 72573 Your knife was made in the 3rd quarter of year 1975
If Your number is 93574 Your knife was made in the 4th quarter of year 1975
If Your number is 14671 Your knife was made in the 1st quarter of year 1976
If Your number is 35672 Your knife was made in the 2nd quarter of year 1976
If Your number is 76673 Your knife was made in the 3rd quarter of year 1976
If Your number is 97674 Your knife was made in the 4th quarter of year 1976
If Your number is 29771 Your knife was made in the 1st quarter of year 1977
If Your number is 47772 Your knife was made in the 2nd quarter of year 1977
If Your number is 65773 Your knife was made in the 3rd quarter of year 1977
If Your number is 83774 Your knife was made in the 4th quarter of year 1977
If Your number is 12871 Your knife was made in the 1st quarter of year 1978
If Your number is 23872 Your knife was made in the 2nd quarter of year 1978
If Your number is 34873 Your knife was made in the 3rd quarter of year 1978
If Your number is 45874 Your knife was made in the 4th quarter of year 1978
If Your number is 13971 Your knife was made in the 1st half of year 1979
If Your number is 24972 Your knife was made in the 2nd half of year 1979
If Your number is 14081 Your knife was made in the 1st half of year 1980
If Your number is 25082 Your knife was made in the 4th half of year 1980
If Your number is 15181 Your knife was made in the 1st half of year 1981
If Your number is 26182 Your knife was made in the 2nd half of year 1981



If Your number is 16281 Your knife was made in the 1st half of year 1982
If Your number is 27282 Your knife was made in the 2nd half of year 19821983
If Your number is 17381 Your knife was made in the 1st half of year 1983
If Your number is 39382 Your knife was made in the 2nd half of year 1983
If Your number is 18481 Your knife was made in the 1st half of year 1984
If Your number is 40482 Your knife was made in the 2nd half of year 1984
If Your number is 19581 Your knife was made in the 1st half of year 1985
If Your number is 41582 Your knife was made in the 2nd half of year 1985
If Your number is 20681 Your knife was made in the 1st half of year 1986
If Your number is 42682 Your knife was made in the 2nd half of year 1986
If Your number is 21781 Your knife was made in the 1st half of year 1987
f Your number is 43782 Your knife was made in the 2nd half of year 1987

If Your number is 22881 Your knife was made in the 1st half of year 1988
If Your number is 44882 Your knife was made in the 2nd half of year 1988
If Your number is 23981 Your knife was made in the 1st half of year 1989
If Your number is 45982 Your knife was made in the 2nd half of year 1989
If Your number is 24091 Your knife was made in the 1st half of year 1990
If Your number is 46092 Your knife was made in the 2nd half of year 1990

If Your number is 25191 Your knife was made in the 1st half of year 1991
If Your number is 47192 Your knife was made in the 2nd half of year 1991
If Your number is 26291 Your knife was made in the 1st half of year 1992
If Your number is 48292 Your knife was made in the 2nd half of year 1992
If Your number is 27391 Your knife was made in the 1st half of year 1993
If Your number is 49392 Your knife was made in the 2nd half of year 1993
If Your number is 28491 Your knife was made in the 1st half of year 1994
If Your number is 50492 Your knife was made in the 2nd half of year 1994

If Your number is 29591 Your knife was made in the 1st half of year 1995
If Your number is 51592 Your knife was made in the 2nd half of year 1995
If Your number is 30691 Your knife was made in the 1st half of year 1996
If Your number is 52692 Your knife was made in the 2nd half of year 1996
If Your number is 31791 Your knife was made in the 1st half of year 1997
If Your number is 53792 Your knife was made in the 2nd half of year 1997
If Your number is 32891 Your knife was made in the 1st half of year 1998
If Your number is 54892 Your knife was made in the 2nd half of year 1998
If Your number is 33991 Your knife was made in the 1st half of year 1999
If Your number is 55992 Your knife was made in the 2nd half of year 1999
If Your number is 34001 Your knife was made in the 1st half of year 2000
If Your number is 56002 Your knife was made in the 2nd half of year 2000
If Your number is 35101 Your knife was made in the 1st half of year 2001
If Your number is 57102 Your knife was made in the 2nd half of year 2001
If Your number is 102 Your knife was made in the 1st half of year 2002
If Your number is 202 Your knife was made in the 2nd half of year 2002
If Your number is 103 Your knife was made in the 1st half of year 2003
If Your number is 203 Your knife was made in the 2nd half of year 2003
If Your number is 104 Your knife was made in the 1st half of year 2004
If Your number is 204 Your knife was made in the 2nd half of year 2004
If Your number is 105 Your knife was made in the 1st half of year 2005
If Your number is 205 Your knife was made in the 2nd half of year 2005
If Your number is 106 Your knife was made in the 1st half of year 2006
If Your number is 206 Your knife was made in the 2st half of year 2006
If Your number is 07 Your knife was made in the year 2007
If Your number is 08 Your knife was made in the year 2008
If Your number is 09 Your knife was made in the year 2009
If Your number is 10 Your knife was made in the year 2010